CASCO HOURS Our sailboat—SENSEI—is not much bigger than, say, an Airstream trailer, its beamy hull framing a cabin below, appointed in teak. Spare touches of bronze: portholes, water pump. Starboard and port settees that make into a large bed. A counter to accommodate the two-burner gas camp stove. Two small fold-out tables. A little toilet. […]
Words in Progress
In the midst of all the major screw-ups and minor hassles of air travel, there comes, now and again, a little moment to savor. One such moment occurred this week as we returned from the Canadian Rockies to New Hampshire, clearing Customs in Calgary. Having waited on a predictably interminable line, my husband and I, […]
Flash Flash Click
Poet and editor Siel Ju (a fellow contributor to NOTHING TO DECLARE: A Guide to the Flash Sequence; White Pine Press) has launched a new lit zine called Flash Flash Click– “fast fiction for a quick lit fix”– which will appear in your inbox bi-weekly if you subscribe. It’s quirky, funny, startling and a pleasure […]
National Poetry Month at Barrington Library
It has become something of a tradition that each New Hampshire Poet laureate create a project that reflects her or his approach to celebrating poetry in general and highlighting New Hampshire poets in the process. In 2007, laureate Patricia Fargnoli, inaugurated a bi-monthly feature: ” At my request, The NH Arts Council is providing me […]
The pale sun, inclining, touches the tops of the swamp maples. This time of year I pay attention to small changes. I lean my elbows on a prie dieu of light as though spring required an act of faith. As the afternoon turns deep orange, I rock, wait for a call from someone who is […]
La Gallera
The noise is everywhere. Like heat. Dozens of cocks crowing. The voices of scores of men shouting above the loud, scratchy, amplified voice of the announcer. Only the two cocks in the middle of the ring are silent as they circle and jab, neck feathers fanned, blood beginning to stain their heads and shoulders. Friday […]