MARY CASSATT AT THE DINER She was young and her children very young. She had agreed to meet her husband’s anxious student-lover in a back booth and had stayed for the duration of her babysitter’s hour (though half of it would have been enough) to hear an earnest exposition on the reasons for her husband’s […]
Words in Progress
The photograph is browning but the frame still gleams: a baroque affair, dense with silver storks and songbirds nesting in silver marsh marigolds and roses; a tiny silver scale and a miniature clock with its hands stilled a ten past eight. Engraved below: ARRIVED NOVEMBER 7, 1943 WEIGHT 7 LBS 14 OZ. The baby’s fat […]
Valentine’s Day
Charter and I always forget our wedding anniversary because Valentine’s Day has always served the purpose. We usually do something special, a weekend away often to a seaside town locked in winter silence or a nearby city with a museum and good restaurants. Every year my husband presents me with a most unusual handmade Valentine. […]
Save a Moose, Save a Poet!
KSC Wins Grant to Collect NH Poets Laureate Papers January 15, 2016 Keene State archivists Brantley Palmer and Hayley Lamberson with the NH Poets Laureate Collection Rodney Obien, Keene State’s head of Special Collections and Archives, has secured a $10,000 grant from the NH State Library to archive and preserve the papers of four New […]