- Publisher: Journeyman Press
- Editor: Kate Drury & Lopis McNulty
- Available in: paperback
- ISBN: 978-0-615-32967-3
- Published: January 10, 2010
True Stories from Letter Carriers Across America
I have written numerous blog posts about the joys of letter writing and just sending and receiving mail. It’s a simple pleasure I inherited from my dad. Late last year one of my musings got national attention as a guest post on the USPS website. I was expressing gratitude to my letter carrier and encouraging others to tell their story, or at least tell their letter carrier they are appreciated.
Through that article I was contacted by Kate Drury who teamed up with Lois McNulty, both retired letter carriers, to collect and print a book about letter carriers’ adventures from across the country. I donated some money to the Postal Employee Relief Fund and in return Kate sent me some copies of their book of stories. Kate and Lois put a lot of work in putting together their book called Carried Away: True stories from letter carriers across America.
I’m not a big book reviewer but this one covered a subject near and dear to me. Many of the stories will make you laugh and most will make you smile. I have some copies to give away but if you miss out on this giveaway you can find the book at carriedawaytruestories.blogspot.com or the Smithsonian National Postal Museum Store