Poet and editor Siel Ju (a fellow contributor to NOTHING TO DECLARE: A Guide to the Flash Sequence; White Pine Press) has launched a new lit zine called Flash Flash Click– “fast fiction for a quick lit fix”– which will appear in your inbox bi-weekly if you subscribe. It’s quirky, funny, startling and a pleasure […]
National Poetry Month at Barrington Library
It has become something of a tradition that each New Hampshire Poet laureate create a project that reflects her or his approach to celebrating poetry in general and highlighting New Hampshire poets in the process. In 2007, laureate Patricia Fargnoli, inaugurated a bi-monthly feature: ” At my request, The NH Arts Council is providing me […]
Poets Against the War
“A landmark anthology of original poetry that registers each author’s opposition to the war with Iraq. Its origin can be traced back to the day when Sam Hamill received an invitation from Laura Bush to a White House Symposium on “Poetry and the American Voice.” Upon opening her letter, he was overcome by a sense […]